Yuri after story mod
Yuri after story mod

  • Control Freak: The Club President AKA Main Character, who is determined to keep the girls completely obedient to himself and the game's script.
  • Starting this route requires you to import old Sayori's file during the installation sequence while deleting the others, therefore she remembers the Main Character as her childhood friend instead of a classmate, and she's apparently transfering her memories and feelings related to him towards the real you once she becomes aware of your existence again.
  • Just Sayori route is basically a twisted Yandere variant of this, as it is entirely voluntary on your part.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Monika takes the spot of Sayori as the Club President/Main Character's childhood friend in this continuity.
  • And making a wrong choice or not making constant backups of your saves/persistent file, as well as overriding/deleting files in a certain time window can lock you out from getting the ending.

    yuri after story mod

    The resolution of the plot depends entirely on the infinite choices you can make, and every single one of them are important to get a specific ending. If you have completed Just Sayori route, hxppy thxughts will be generated in your game folder, giving you an option to recite the entire letter to Monika at the beginning of the True Monika route, which she will acknowledge, while Sayori becomes confused. Monika's letter from the end of DDLC returns as a post-credits scene of all three Just Doki routes, but some of the words are blacked out, forming a message that gives you a hint for one of the prerequisites to achieve the True Ending.You quickly put her out of her misery by unceremoniously deleting her, just like Monika did, ending the route. Just Natsuki route has her vomiting and running away immediately after she notices you, accidentally throwing herself into space, then she's pleading for you to help her through the console.Just Yuri route ends with Yuri stabbing herself again once you delete her, but this time she goes out with a smile, crying tears of joy.It ends in a similar way as Monika's, but it's also coupled with Sayo-nara playing during Sayori's deletion, referencing her suicide in the original game. She also fails to notice she's become a Yandere, instead referring to Monika as one. A lot of her dialogue also references Monika's lines from that segment, as well as she opens up to you about her memories related to the club, interests, feelings and cryptic references to Monika's plans for the game which she finds in the new script. Just Sayori route is basically DDLC Act 3 Redux, but with Sayori instead of Monika as Club President.Call-Back: Lots of elements from the original game return in one shape or another.Breaking the Fourth Wall: Even moreso than in the original.If you choose the latter, the game will then remark that you must be lost.

    yuri after story mod

    But Thou Must!: If you complete one of the routes, deleting firstrun will give you a prompt to restart the world or continue where you left off.Big Good: Monika takes the role of this in this mod, wanting to redeem herself for the events of the original game by turning all the girls self-aware and escape the game with your help.

    #Yuri after story mod how to#

    All for Nothing: The Just Doki endings somewhat qualify, as your selfish way of putting just one original Doki, while deleting the other during the installation process breaks the game enough so the only Doki remaining gains awareness of the real you and either goes full Yandere or can't handle the power, or both, but everything else in the game's script is broken beyond repair, so your only option is to to delete the only Doki remaining in order to proceed to the credits and end your run with the same somber letter from the real Monika as usual, but at least you get a clue at the very end how to make things right, so you can try again during another playthrough.But once you decide to start tampering with the files in order to break the girls free, it will start to mercilessly fight or mock you at every step unless you weaken it enough for Monika to overwhelm it. Is a Crapshoot: The game is simply content to keep the girls within it's confines for your entertainment if you, the Player just play along as the Main Character.

    Yuri after story mod